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Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions
0 days left (ends 25 Sep)
This is a first draft of the political suggestions and demands of my initiative report on: “Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions”. It will be introduced through a more formal part which will be added once the political parts in finalized. We used this political opportunity to collect bold proposals to win back the shrinked trust of citizens in EU institutions. EU institutions should become THE example of clean, transparent and accountable politics. Ideally to achieve progress also for Member States’ institutions to overcome corruption and lack of transparency.
The collection and discussion of suggestions on this platform will be closed on the 25th of September so that enough time for the formal polishing of the report remains.
We ask all of you of your opinion on the proposed text (using the thumbs up or down or comments) and ideas (to add new ideas use the (+) symbol). We thank those a lot who already send their input via our online form found on and also those who contributed to the call of Democracy International. We tried to include your ideas nevertheless please continue making suggestions and corrections in this draft where you feel it would help our task.
I will read each and every of your comments which is formulated in a respectful and constructive way. Thanks in advance for all votes and comments!
With Green European greetings
Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur of the initiative report
Further info

- Notes that Article 22(c) of the Staff Regulations stipulates that since 1 January 2014, EU institutions have been obliged to introduce internal whistleblowing rules covering the protection of whistleblowers, the provision of information to them, and the procedure for handling complaints made by whistleblowers concerning the way they were treated as a result of reporting serious irregularities;
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- Welcomes the Ombudsman’s own initiative inquiry OI/1/2014/PMC into the EU institutions follow-up on this provision;
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- Regrets the Ombudsman found only two of nine institutions that had properly implemented rules to protect whistleblowers and by now only European Commission, European Ombudsman and European Court of Auditors to have such rules adopted;
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- Supports the reminder within the Commission’s guidelines on whistleblowing as of 6 December 2012 to its staff that reporting of malpractices is an obligation and not just a right;
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- Believes that the financial interest of the European Union needs whistleblower protection also in Member states and not only within the EU institutions;
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- Believes effective whistleblower protection to be a key weapon against corruption and therefore reiterates its call to Commission to prepare for a directive to guarantee minimum standards of whistleblower protection all over Europe;
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on the fight against corruption involving the EU’s financial interest
- Notes that corruption is found to cause significant distortions of the internal market;
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- Considers a European Prosecutor a key element to protect the financial interest of the European Union;
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- Calls on Council to support an agreement for the introduction of a European Prosecutor;
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- Believes those who harm the EU’s financial interest with fraud and are found guilty should not neither do business nor represent citizen in the European Union;
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- Believes the ongoing review of EU election law should include a rule that those found guilty for corruption against the EU’s financial interest or within member states cannot run for office in the next three terms of the European Parliament;
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- Welcomes the establishment of a European Criminal Records Information System to allow for the exchange of information on crimes including economic ones to be exchanged between Member states and the European Union institutions;
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- Calls for the Council to agree to the explicit right of European institutions to check those applying for procurement contracts if they or their companies have been convicted for corruption;
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- Welcomes directive 2012/17/EU to stipulate for a better network of national registers of Member states’ trade and companies register and Commissions readiness to implement it until mid 2017 to allow for a better exchange of judgements against those leading a company;
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- Believes for at least 10 years those persons or companies led or owned by such persons who are found guilty of corruption in the EU should not be allowed enter into procurement contracts with the European Union or be allowed to profit from EU funds;
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recommendations on other institutions
- Calls on the Commission to draw up a framework regulation for all EU agencies granting Parliament co-decision on the election or dismissal of directors of such agencies as well as direct rights to question and hear them;
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