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Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions
0 days left (ends 25 Sep)
This is a first draft of the political suggestions and demands of my initiative report on: “Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions”. It will be introduced through a more formal part which will be added once the political parts in finalized. We used this political opportunity to collect bold proposals to win back the shrinked trust of citizens in EU institutions. EU institutions should become THE example of clean, transparent and accountable politics. Ideally to achieve progress also for Member States’ institutions to overcome corruption and lack of transparency.
The collection and discussion of suggestions on this platform will be closed on the 25th of September so that enough time for the formal polishing of the report remains.
We ask all of you of your opinion on the proposed text (using the thumbs up or down or comments) and ideas (to add new ideas use the (+) symbol). We thank those a lot who already send their input via our online form found on and also those who contributed to the call of Democracy International. We tried to include your ideas nevertheless please continue making suggestions and corrections in this draft where you feel it would help our task.
I will read each and every of your comments which is formulated in a respectful and constructive way. Thanks in advance for all votes and comments!
With Green European greetings
Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur of the initiative report
Further info

- Asks former Members of the European Parliament to comply with the relevant provisions when carrying out activities falling within the scope of the Transparency Register; believes that in carrying out such activities, former Members should not use their Members' badge to access the premises of the European Parliament; requests the Bureau to present to the Conference of Presidents a proposal for appropriate measures to prevent misuse of privileges to which former Members are entitled;
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- With a view to full implementation of those measures, welcomes the intention by its Bureau to format the above mentioned advice into an easy to understand handout to be included in all welcoming of new members and recruitment of new staff;
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register’s secretariat
- Welcomes and encourages the role played by non-institutional watchdogs in monitoring the transparency of the EU Institutions yet believes the good functioning of the register should not rely on them;
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- Considers that the structure and the staff of the Joint Transparency Register Secretariat need to be reinforced in order to implement the new provisions in the modified agreement, to deal with the procedures for alerts and for the investigation and treatment of complaints, and to improve the procedures for verifying the reliability of information provided by registrants;
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Inclusion of regional and local representations in the register
- Recognises the difference between governmental actors independent of their level national, regional or local from non-governmental, private or corporate actors;
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- Considers some practices within national, regional and local representations a distortion of the otherwise clear distinction that have to be ended in order to allow an exemption from obligations of the transparency register
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- Those practises to be avoided include:
- staff in national, regional or local represenatations that serves within the frame of temporary internships, exchange programs or similar yet otherwise working for non-governental or corporate actors,
- workspace and IT within the premises of national, regional or local represenations that is left to or shared with non-governmental, private or corporate actors;
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conflicts of interest
- Notes that despite several recommendations by the Advisory Committee on the Conduct of Members to sanction Members of the European Parliament its President decided not to follow any of those recommendations;
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- Requests its President to publish all recommendations given by the Advisory Committee on the Conduct of Members;
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- Encourages its President to give written explanation for each case when not following the recommendation of the advisory body on the code of conduct;
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- Believes those Members of the Advisory Committee recruited from amoung the European Parliament’s members should be elected by the Political Group they represent and not to be appointed by its President;
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- Believes the internally chosen members of the Advisory Committee should be complemented by a majority of externally chosen members;
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- Requests its Bureau to propose a procedure for selecting external members of the Advisory Committee;
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- Believes Rules of Procedure’s articles on declarations of financial interest of Members should be amended to
- do away with categories while declaring incomes and instead to ask for declaration of precise amounts;
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- Requests its President to arrange for the improvement of the process towards the filing and publishing of declarations of financial interests including
- encouraging to file declarations via a dedicated software instead of hand writing,
- publication in machine readable format,
- centralised publication to allow for comparision of content;
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- Notes the tendency among member states to introduce independent agents to check declarations of interest by Parliamentarians and high ranking public officials and sanction breaches of Codes of Conduct;
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- Encourages its Bureau to propose ways to institutionalise checking declarations of interest and sanctioning the code of conduct by neutral third parties with expertise instead of by fellow Members of Parliament;
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