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Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions
0 days left (ends 25 Sep)
This is a first draft of the political suggestions and demands of my initiative report on: “Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions”. It will be introduced through a more formal part which will be added once the political parts in finalized. We used this political opportunity to collect bold proposals to win back the shrinked trust of citizens in EU institutions. EU institutions should become THE example of clean, transparent and accountable politics. Ideally to achieve progress also for Member States’ institutions to overcome corruption and lack of transparency.
The collection and discussion of suggestions on this platform will be closed on the 25th of September so that enough time for the formal polishing of the report remains.
We ask all of you of your opinion on the proposed text (using the thumbs up or down or comments) and ideas (to add new ideas use the (+) symbol). We thank those a lot who already send their input via our online form found on and also those who contributed to the call of Democracy International. We tried to include your ideas nevertheless please continue making suggestions and corrections in this draft where you feel it would help our task.
I will read each and every of your comments which is formulated in a respectful and constructive way. Thanks in advance for all votes and comments!
With Green European greetings
Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur of the initiative report
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- granting access to the information available in the EU institutions which makes it possible to evaluate objectively the implementation of EU rules, acts, measures and programmes in the Member States; ensuring greater financial transparency by providing detailed information concerning the EU budget, its implementation and the beneficiaries of EU funds and grants;
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- establishing, by means of a transparent procedure and in full compliance with democratic principles and the rule of law, the general principles and restrictions on grounds of public or private interest limiting access to documents which are exceptionally to be classified as 'Très secret/Top Secret', 'Secret' or 'Confidentiel' in order to protect the EU's essential interests (Article 9 of Regulation (EC) No 1049/2001);
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- (f) defining the principles which could be developed by means of interinstitutional agreements under Article 295 TFEU with a view to implementing in a coordinated way the new regulation on better lawmaking;
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- making EU documents more accessible by creating more user-friendly systems;
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- ensuring that Parliament leads by example in the EU by ensuring the widest degree of openness, transparency and access to documents;
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Balanced composition of Expert Groups
- Believes that concerning the selection of participants and the composition of expert groups, as well as of the workings of and discussions in such groups, full transparency is needed and encourages Commission to make public on a proactive basis information such as the applications and declarations of participants, particularly of those who have been selected for participation;
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- Welcomes the Commission's intention to follow up on the Ombudsman’s recommendations against conflicts of interest in expert groups and explicitly supports to:
- Carefully assess individuals' backgrounds with a view to detecting any actual, potential or apparent conflicts of interest.
- Ensure that no individual with any actual, potential or apparent conflict of interest will be appointed to an expert group in his/her personal capacity.
- Consider, in a situation of conflict of interest, the possibility to appoint an individual as a representative of a common interest shared by stakeholders or to appoint his/her organisation of affiliation to the expert group.
- Publish a sufficiently detailed CV of each expert appointed in his/her personal capacity on the expert groups register.
- Publish a declaration of interests of each expert appointed in his/her personal capacity on the expert groups register.
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- Believes existing regulations concerning expert groups should be broadened to include all other forms of expert consultation in preparation of legislation or its implementation to make them part of the Commission's public register on expert groups;
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- Believes a provision containing general criteria for the delimitation of economic and non-economic interests as recommended by the Ombudsman and based on the experts’ declarations of interest would help the Commission to pick experts representing interests with better balance;
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- Supports the Ombudsman demand to require registration in the Transparency Register for appointment to expert groups as long as these members are not government officials or receive their income otherwise overwhelmingly exclusively from a state institutions such as universities;
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- Carefully assess individuals' backgrounds with a view to detecting any actual, potential or apparent conflicts of interest.
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- Ensure that no individual with any actual, potential or apparent conflict of interest will be appointed to an expert group in his/her personal capacity.
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- Consider, in a situation of conflict of interest, the possibility to appoint an individual as a representative of a common interest shared by stakeholders or to appoint his/her organisation of affiliation to the expert group.
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- Publish a sufficiently detailed CV of each expert appointed in his/her personal capacity on the expert groups register.
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- Publish a declaration of interests of each expert appointed in his/her personal capacity on the expert groups register.
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on transparency of the legislative process
- Regrets when opacity of opinion formation in Council hinders citizens to get involved in the political process due to a lack of information which actors are behind which majority;
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