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Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions
0 days left (ends 25 Sep)
This is a first draft of the political suggestions and demands of my initiative report on: “Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the EU Institutions”. It will be introduced through a more formal part which will be added once the political parts in finalized. We used this political opportunity to collect bold proposals to win back the shrinked trust of citizens in EU institutions. EU institutions should become THE example of clean, transparent and accountable politics. Ideally to achieve progress also for Member States’ institutions to overcome corruption and lack of transparency.
The collection and discussion of suggestions on this platform will be closed on the 25th of September so that enough time for the formal polishing of the report remains.
We ask all of you of your opinion on the proposed text (using the thumbs up or down or comments) and ideas (to add new ideas use the (+) symbol). We thank those a lot who already send their input via our online form found on and also those who contributed to the call of Democracy International. We tried to include your ideas nevertheless please continue making suggestions and corrections in this draft where you feel it would help our task.
I will read each and every of your comments which is formulated in a respectful and constructive way. Thanks in advance for all votes and comments!
With Green European greetings
Sven Giegold, Greens/EFA MEP and rapporteur of the initiative report
Further info

- Reiterates its call of 14 April 2014 on the Commission to submit, by the end of 2016, a legislative proposal for the establishment of a mandatory register on the basis of Article 352 TFEU; this proposal should be based on a review of effects of the new Interinstitutional Agreement proposed end of 2015 on coverage and quality of the register and address remaining loopholes;
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- Asks the Commission to include, in the context of any forthcoming proposals for a comprehensive reform of the Treaties, a proposal either for an amendment of Article 298 TFEU or for an appropriate specific legal basis allowing a mandatory register to be set up in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure;
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- Considers that in any event, a further evaluation of the Transparency Register should be completed before the end of 2017 at the latest;
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Councils participation in the lobby register
- Recognises the role played by the Council since the establishment of the Transparency Register, and welcomes the fact that the Council has become involved, as an observer, in the process of keeping the Agreement of 23 June 2011 under review; however, in order to ensure transparency at all stages in the law-making process at Union level, reiterates its call to the Council to join the Transparency Register as soon as possible;
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- Calls on the permanent president of the Council and its central secretariat to follow immediately the same policy as Commission to only meet registered lobbyists; calls on the permanent Presidency and high ranking staff involved in legislation to also publish those meetings online;
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- Recognises the role of Council as Co-Legislator of EU laws and recognises the limits of EU regulations on Member States’ staff working on EU legislation;
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- Calls on all Member States to introduce a mandatory lobby register also covering lobby activities related to EU policies
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Quality of the register’s data; against revolving doors
- Welcomes progress made on the quality of the present lobby transparency register, especially the improved specification of the information to be provided pursuant to the modified agreement, which should be implemented by insisting on disclosure of the identity of all clients represented by organisations and self-employed individuals engaged in EU policy-making and policy implementation processes, and by clearly linking all activities covered by the Register to the clients concerned;
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- Notes that despite efforts made so far plenty of register entries lack consistency and accuracy provoking a growing number of complaints by citizen and civil society;
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- Underlines that non-registered organisations or individuals, which are eligible for registration and expected to register, even if their non-registration is only temporary, will not have access to the new incentives and advantages linked to registration;
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- Believes that the Code of Conduct attached to the Agreement of 23 June 2011 should be amended to include the mandatory disclosure of funding sources by all registered. All those registered should specify the amount they receive from each donor. Small private donations should be exempt.
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- Believes another amendment should make mandatory disclosure of all names of lobbyists including those not holding for parliamentary access badges as well as any former public offices that these lobbyists have held including at national level; believes another amendment should make mandatory disclosure of exact amounts instead of 10,000 euro steps at present where legally admissible;
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- Requests the Joint Transparency Register Secretariat to provide, at regular intervals, a report on the functioning of the incentives system, with a view, ultimately, to the establishment of a mandatory register;
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- calls on Joint Transparency Register Secretariat to publish easily understandable data on lobbying budgets and staff of different sectors and interests based on the information from the register
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- Expects that the annual report on the operation of the Joint Transparency Register will include an analysis of the progress made in terms of coverage and quality of entries;
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- Encourages the Commission, in performing its function of coordinating the Transparency Register, to closely monitor the proper implementation of the modified agreement;
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- Encourages and empowers the Joint Transparency Register Secretariat to introduce registration fees for registrees with a lobby budget exceeding one million euro.
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