DEOS have become a well heard voice in Bulgarian politics. Given that the party was founded only a couple of months ago, this came as a surprise to many observers and was far from obvious back in February when Darin Stoykov - one of the founders of DEOS - first found out about Discuto in the Chrome webstore.
Did you ever handle an email campaign? There is one moment when you have to press the start button to get the campaign going. Mailchimp - a popular mailing application - portrays this by a sweaty, hairy hand that stretches a finger towards a red button but also hesitates and pulls to and fro.
This - I think - appropriately describes the tension behind the simple click on the send button that will release hundreds or thousands of mails. Every mistake still contained in these mails will be multiplied by this number.
We are trying hard to make Discuto better and with your help we have done so already but your feedback is essential in this endeavor. Over the past months we have been discussing ongoing work and new features with you personally or on “Discuss Discuto”. Thank you very much for your input!
Based on our conversation with you, we created a a list of new feature that we might implement. Please help us make the right decisions by voting and commenting on these suggestions.
A well know danger of partipatory decision making is the "design by committee phenomen", a term "used to refer to suboptimal traits that such a process may produce as a result of having to compromise between the requirements and viewpoints of the participants, particularly in the presence of poor leadership or poor technical knowledge, such as needless complexity, internal inconsistency, logical flaws, banality, and the lack of a unifying vision." (
In the beginning of February we launched a discussion where we talk about what we did over the last months since the beginning of the Discuto project and what we are aiming at in terms of new features and new developments.
The idea of the discussion is to make clear to our users what we are doing and to benefit from their experience with the system on what should be done and what could be even removed from the system if it is unnecessary or harmful for the user’s experience.