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The process

The project is organised around three phases:

Phase 1: Call for evidence, desk research and survey design

The study starts with the call for evidence - that´s where we are right now - and desk research. The call for evidence which addresses EUPAN member organisations helps to fine-tune the search strategy for the review of theoretical and empirical literature on the topic and provides examples for visualisation across Europe.  The draft design of the survey will be elaborated based on the call for evidence and the findings of the desk research. 

Phase 2: Pretest and Survey

In Phase 2 the draft questionnaire will be optimised by a pretest amongst potential participants in order to be distributed to the sample population. The survey will be finalised by the end of August. Desk research will also be finished in this phase.

Phase 3: Data analysis, interpretation and drafting of final report

The final phase encompasses data analysis, interpretation of data and writing of the draft final report. This is followed by interactions with the BMöDS to finalise the report. The draft final report is to be submitted by the end of September.