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Call for evidence: Reporting and Visualisation in Public Administrations Across the EU

Starting: 06 Jul Ending

0 days left (ends 28 Feb)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


Dear colleagues, 

We are looking for examples on reporting and visualisations solutions that you already implemented or plan to implement: 

- Which topics are concerned?

- How are they implemented technically?

- Who is the target group?

- What is the impact on performance, usage and acceptance?

This study is part of the EUPAN Network´s activities and to be discussed during the Austrian presidency. Please do not hesitate to comment, ask questions concerning the uploaded examples.  

We are looking very much forward to your contributions.  Just hit the "ADD NEW IDEA" button now and present your example until 19.7.2018. Please find more information on the topic here

In case you encouter any technical problems, please contact office@cbased.com





This Week
  • Proposed ideas: 0
  • Under review: 0
  • Under evaluation: 0
  • Implemented: 0


Status: Closed
Privacy: Public



Author: BMOEDS Date: 09 July 2018

Please describe the visualisation solution in general as well as in more detail by answering the questions below. 

Thank you very much in advance!

Which topics are concerned?
Please indicate for which area the visualisation solution was developed.
How are they implemented technically?
What are the key issues technology-wise?
Who is the target group?
Is it a solution for internal use or to provide more information to citizens?
What is the impact on performance, usagee and acceptance?
Did you notice any impact on the performance of your institution/unit?
Please provide an URL to the visualisation solution:
Always nice to see the real stuff!
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