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Top 7 Online Marketing Tools for Business Startups

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Planning to start your own business and looking for online help to do? Not a tough job anymore!

While starting your own business require great efforts and hard work, running it and maintaining its position in market is even tougher. With the emergence of efficient online tools and hi-tech devices and applications to make marketing strategies easier, it has become extremely convenient for every upcoming business owner to expand their business and increase their brand visibility.

What are the basic marketing needs of business startups?

While business owners are initiating a business of their own, these are a couple of basic things that every person would need at initial stages.

  • Efficient tools and online resources to make marketing easier and less-complicated
  • Cost-effective and affordable approach towards the implementation of those hi-tech resources
  • Skilled manpower for the implementation of digital marketing strategies
  • Better insight of any upgrading technology and how it will impact your business
  • Consistency during marketing campaign
  • In-depth customer analysis and respective actionable items
  • Marketing at affordable and cost-effective packages

No doubt that students approaching for marketing assignment help online in UK have got some helpful information related to online marketing strategies for startups,, here are best 7 online tools that are must use for all business startups.

  1. Hubspot

One of the most used and effective marketing and management tool, Hubspot allows marketers to capture leads and automate the overall market workflow. From creating campaign pages to tracking leads, increasing traffic, managing interactions with the leads, and increase conversions, Hubspot marketing is worth using for business startups.

Here are some more amazing features of Hubspot:

  • Hubspot allows the users to study insights of each ongoing marketing campaign through data analytics and results can help understand the lead growth and progression.
  • Its features like blogging, campaign landing pages and email campaigns allows marketers to increase  the traffic flow towards the brand.
  • It’s amazing targeted email-drip campaigns and lead management tool allows increased website traffic and automation of marketing workflows.
  1. Hootsuite

Are you planning to use social media as one of the major and most contributing tool in our marketing campaign? If yes, you are all set to hit the market right as social media is one of the successful way to target large number of audience, that too at affordable rates.

Hootsuite is specifically designed to manage multiple social media accounts of your brand where you can manage and schedule posts before time so that you don’t miss out to deliver the message to your potential customer. So, even if you are too busy in other engagements, Hootsuite will take care of your social media marketing.

In addition to this, marketers will be able to connect to the right audience at right time even if there are time difference between the two places. It allows you to stay in touch everywhere around the globe.

  1. Marketo

What else will be more preferable for business startups than automation of marketing processes? Another helpful tool to do so is Marketo that allows users to create marketing strategies from the basics so that even business startup can also benefit from it. Whether it is your company’s website, email campaign or social media pages, Marketo can be integrate with any of them to provide you with best marketing strategies for your business.

Though Marketo and Hubspot offer quite similar marketing features for, you will find a relatively close price difference between the two. While Hubspot focuses on B2C businesses, Marketo offers best options for nurturing the business leads in B2B areas.

  1. Google Analytics

Considering the fact that digital marketing require the in-depth understanding of audience before approaching them with different tactics, you cannot find better tool to do so than Google Analytics.

Where you target audience can be approached easily? Where they are coming from? How many of them you can approach at a time? What are their preferences and behaviors? What activities do they like to perform when they are online? Where exactly they click on your websites? These are couple of insights you can easily get from this amazing tool to help gain a better understanding of your target audience.

  1. MailChimp

Did you know that approximately 281 billion emails are sent in day per day? And the figure is expected to grow up to 333 billion by 2020. Surprised? Well, email is another effective way of communicating your information specifically your business-related messaged to your potential clients.

As they say, “ Send better emails, sell your brand more!” MailChimp allows startup businesses to improvise their email marketing. Providing an easy-to-use interface and free email templates and signup forms, MailChimp allows you track email performances through built-in report features.

How many emails a startup should send to its potential customers? Around 10,000? Well, MaiChimp allows users to send up to 12k emails to 2000 subscribers on monthly basis which is quite a good number for business starters.

  1. Optimizely

How about knowing about the outcomes of your marketing campaign while you are still running the campaign? Optimizely allows users to optimize their marketing campaigns in ways they could not have imagined.

One of the best tool for campaign optimization, Optimizely allows A/B testing where users marketers can check out the two versions of your business webpage and conclude which one will yield better results.

  1. Canva

While it is important to be consistent and regular while carrying out your social media marketing, it is equally important to be creative and post innovative themes and design to attract and engage more customers. Canva, a cloud based service allows even non-designing users to start working on designs to make their brand and marketing appealing.

From creating attractive social media posts, brochures, posters, letterhead to designing blog graphics and presentation, Canva is an amazing tool to boost your overall marketing and make it look appealing.

Make sure to use the above highlighted online tools to market your new business and let us know about your experiences and business outcomes.

