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Process - how we are going to proceed?

The process organised here has been tried and tested: 7 years ago we used the same approach to identify disruptive event in general (see attached paper). The results were so convincing, we decided to use the same approach to tackle the Covid-19 crisis.

The main challenge is this. Most of us see and expect some disruptions. However, to see the full picture we have to all work together in collecting and evaluating disruptive events.

Overall, this process is to inform decision-makers about potentially disruptive events stemming from the Covid-19 crisis. With the goal of helping them to avoid negative disruptions.

It's open to everyone and divided into three phases:

  • - In phase 1, an open and online brainstorming of the disruptive events due to the Covid-19 crisis 
  • - In phase 2, these events will be analysed by the project team. Participation in the project team is again open  - please volunteer if you want to be involved. The resulting document will be uploaded and valiadated by the community
  • - In phase 3, a survey will determines where the community sides with respect to controversial points
  • Equally important is the identification of issues that are both important and non-controversial and can beimmediately implemented by decision makers. This will also be an important outcome.

This open, bottom-up and deliberative process is intended to counteract three distinct decision making problems that are present during disruptions:

- Social constellations, in which an elite group skims the surpluses from the system thereby lowering the incentive for the development of individual talents and the introduction of innovations (extracting political and economic institutions or systems)

- Influence of special/ particular interests on decisions 

- Dominance of short-term decision-making that leads to long-term irrational decisions.

All inputs as well as outputs will be online and available for further use.

Communicating the result will be a joint effort of the community that will participate in this process. 
