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Draft OGP Strategy 2023 – 2028
Creating OGP's Future Together
0 days left (ends 15 Feb)
In May, we reached out to the community to help us develop a new five-year strategy. One of the key aims of the strategy is ensuring a vision and strategic direction that resonates with and has roles for the entire Partnership. We thank everyone who has taken part in this co-creation process so far, and we are excited to announce that the draft strategy is now available for review.
Among the headlines, you’ll see there are four shifts that were prominent in conversations:
Expanding the open government community to become a much broader, more interconnected movement of open government reformers
Moving from individual actions and OGP commitments to making open government the norm across all levels and branches of government
Building on diverse policy priorities to set partnership-wide, collective policy goals for all national and local members
Becoming the home for inspiration, innovation, evidence and stories on open government
You can read the background and context to the draft strategy here.
The draft strategy will remain open for comment until February 15. You can comment on the draft strategy on Discuto or download it as a PDF on the OGP website here. Please share your feedback on Discuto or in an email to
Inputs received will be used to finalize the strategy for approval by OGP’s Steering Committee by the end of March. The final strategy will also include information on the fiscal framework and resource mobilization plan, the approach to implementation, and measuring results. Finally, it will include roles for different actors in the Partnership in the implementation phase.
To know more on how this draft has been shaped by consultations to date, please see the Phase 1 and Phase 2 reports.
Further info
In germany journalism is currently discussed to get recognized as matter of common benefit in fiscal questions - hundreds of years after journalism is seen as 4th power in democracies 1848. So there is anything running wrong in awareness of the function of press in societies. and I'm afraid it is on the press/medias side. Like the continued ignorance of Open Gov and OGP by journalists/media, wich is really shocking. Especialy as OG outcomes supports their work and thei should be strong partner of civil societies in public obersight activities. But I'm afraid it has to do with journalism feeling to loose priviliges, like their own access to information rights. In Germany e.g. rarely Journalists disclose that they got their information by a FOI-request in their publications. If they would much more recipients would get aware of their FOI-rights.
It would be helpful to define 'youth' and seek to identify ways that *children* are also engaged in this work. Intergenerational partnerships shape better policy. Granted, engagement with children requires more support for the adults to be able to listen well to children, and have the skills and knowledge to do so fruitfully. Intersectional approach to this work is good to see and could be expanded slightly further.
One group that can be so easily overlooked in this work (despite being 30% of the world population) is children. Children are distinct from adults, and have specific needs, rights and capacities. As non-voters, they also have the least power in the work of OGP. Responding uniquely to children in the light of this distinctiveness, including engaging them as agents of change, will be important for the successful delivery of this vision, for people of all ages. Children as well as young people will be key allies in the work and future of the OGP mission, and a specific focus here will be important.
The move to increased ownership and striving to deliver change at all levels is excellent. It makes sense that we thus later also create a focus on 5 key areas. The balance to be struck here will be to ensure that by widening out the partnership, this collaborative approach doesn't --as it can do--become unfocused and lack impact. Accountability will be key to this and core to delivering this shift in strategy.
While members and partners will continue to be able to pursue diverse policy priorities through OGP, a subset of themes will be prioritized for showing collective progress as a Partnership during the strategy period. Based on what we have heard from the OGP community, the initial focus will be on 1) anti-corruption, including political integrity related reforms; 2) digital governance; 3) climate and environment, and 4) inclusive public participation, including reforms related to strengthening civic space and public accountability. OGP’s values of transparency, participation, inclusion and public accountability will be emphasized across these priority areas. The OGP Co-Chairs and wider Steering Committee will be invited to champion the advancement of these themes during the strategy period, with space to pursue context specific approaches within them.
Each of these themes will have different starting points on ambition and implementation, challenges and supporting ecosystems, which means desired results and tactics will also have to vary. The OGP Steering Committee and Support Unit will focus on cultivating or nurturing networks of leaders to model action, inspire and support others. These coalitions will be supported by approaches that OGP has successfully experimented with including cross-sector convening, campaigns, recognition, peer exchanges, brokering implementation support, thematic grants, awards, and using global platforms to spur domestic action. Approaches emerging from the new strategy (e.g. leadership development, collective challenge-based approaches) will also be deployed to encourage thematic ambition and sustained implementation.
While the Steering Committee and Support Unit will focus on cultivating or nurturing coalitions on selected priority themes, others in the community would be welcome to pursue similar approaches on their issue areas if they are able to initiate and sustain these activities without requiring additional, intensive assistance from the OGP Support Unit.
Finally, the OGP Steering Committee and Support Unit will align incentives and support to ensure that these priorities are reinforced across OGP work, and ensure that focus is maintained for longer periods of time to enable a positive cycle of global norms shaping national and local action and vice versa, while remaining open to responding to shifts and trends in our environment.
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3.2. Challenge the Partnership to advance key open government policy areas
The OGP Steering Committee will launch a Partnership-wide challenge for all members to advance on key open government policy areas. This challenge will be accompanied by incentives, recognition approaches, leadership activities, political leadership and/or campaigns where appropriate.
In support of this, the OGP Support Unit will curate illustrative examples and approaches, supportive arguments, maturity models, references to existing third-party standards or ratings, and value propositions, through an inspiration hub (see Goal 4). This will aim to provide a clearer picture of what ambition can look like at different starting points and for different contexts, and across all dimensions of open government – transparency, participation, inclusion and accountability. At first, the focus will be on thematic priority areas, and over time it will be expanded to other policy areas. For areas where there are no existing benchmarks, maturity models or standards, members and partners of the OGP platform will be encouraged to help develop these, with the OGP Support Unit playing a convening role.
In the second half of the strategy period, we will explore whether and how the OGP Support Unit and IRM could provide member assessments of open government progress, within and beyond action plans, perhaps only on key open government topics or on a broader range of open government indicators. If pursued, this will ideally be done in partnership with or complementary to other benchmarking work (e.g. OECD Open Government Scans).
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3.3. Integrate a focus on inclusive public participation and accountability across all OGP strategies
Participation is core to open government. All open government reforms require a foundation of democratic freedoms and civic space in order to function effectively, and involving people in government decisions, public service delivery and public accountability is central to a healthier democracy. But, until now, transformative public participation reforms have been few and far between within the partnership and, while lots of exciting public participation innovations have been developed around the world, these are typically reliant on individual political and/or policy entrepreneurs. We are still a long way from changing the culture of governments in such a way that inclusive public participation is woven into the fabric of institutions. The open government community has been emphatic that advancing public participation – both through protecting and extending civic spaces, and embedding inclusive participation within government decision-making, public service delivery, and accountability mechanisms – must be central to our collective efforts over the coming years.
During the strategy period, we will integrate the focus on inclusive public participation across all OGP strategies. This will include:
- Promoting and developing guidance, good practices, recommendations and maturity models for inclusive participation;
- Building a global coalition to advance the norms, rights and practices of public participation;
- Increasing understanding and support for participation by political leaders and cultivating a group of leaders to champion participation norms and reforms;
- Enhancing the leadership and skills of reformers implementing public participation norms and reforms;
- Supporting networks of reformers from governments and civil society and facilitating peer exchange and learning to deepen and extend the practice of participation;
- Facilitating inspiration, recognition and learning across the open government community to drive commitment, innovation and sustained results on public participation; and,
- Supporting reformers at a local level to develop, embed and share reforms that involve people in meaningful and impactful ways to shape the decisions that affect their lives.
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3.4. Pursue expanded civic space through inspiring, action-first leadership
A resounding concern facing the Partnership, across a majority of members, is the decline of people’s ability to organize, mobilize and express themselves freely, which threatens the very premise upon which the OGP model is anchored – an equal partnership between government and civil society. For a while now, this threat has been recognized and surfaced in virtually all OGP settings. However, with the exception of a handful of countries taking action, progress through OGP action plans has been limited. Over the course of this strategy, we intend to bring new strategies and tactics to bear to pursue the expansion of civic space.
We will nurture a counter-narrative and movement providing positive examples and leadership in pursuit of expanded civic space. This will include:
- Developing a multi-pronged civic space plan that builds on existing efforts and integrates civic space across the strategy and activities of OGP;
- Identifying thematic entry points and revisiting framing for ‘civic space’ in a way that it does not pose limitations to the traction it needs to get from both governments and civil society, and other sectors;
- Providing an open space for dialogue among reformers who are advancing local, national, and global efforts to protect and enhance democratic freedoms and civic space;
- Shaping, with partners, a coalition of political leaders/members that actually advance civic space at home and can authentically and actively champion it abroad; and,
- Embedding civic space in our leadership, inspiration and recognition activities and making it a priority angle for work in response to windows of political opportunities.
In addition to nurturing a positive counter-narrative and movement, the OGP Support Unit will work with partners to mobilize support for civil society operating in contexts of deteriorating civic space; mobilize the Steering Committee and other diplomatic channels to encourage countries to take remedial measures; and, more prominently spotlight progression and regression on civic space through OGP’s communication channels and platforms.
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Mainstreaming Gender and Inclusion Across OGPThe vision of OGP underscores that a diversity of voices informs government decision-making, especially those that are under-represented at policy tables. The 2023-28 strategy will build on recent experiences of catalyzing reforms that worked for better outcomes for women and LGBTQIA+ communities, and more diverse representation across the Partnership’s activities. This strategy will continue to empower OGP members and partners to mainstream gender and inclusion across policy objectives, and in particular focus on making participatory initiatives (including co-creation processes as part of OGP) more inclusive. In particular, the Steering Committee, Support Unit and IRM will proactively work with gender and youth voices to invite them to leadership initiatives. Finally, the Support Unit will work with partners to promote and develop guidance and maturity models for inclusive participation as part of our work on providing universal references for thematic ambition, iterating on cross-cutting gender and youth guidance to ensure these reflect the diversity and representation of the Partnership. |
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Strategic Goal 4: Become the home of cutting edge open government inspiration, innovation, evidence and stories
Since the early days, OGP has invested in capturing and sharing examples from across the community, as well as recognizing reformers and reforms. Consultations pointed to the need for us to be more systematic, purposeful and creative in this domain. There was also a clear ask to invest much more in unlocking our assets – the examples and stories, the data, the evidence, the innovation and the networks – and making them much easier to access to the community in a diverse range of formats and products. Getting this backbone functionality right is of critical importance to enable the movement, to guide action towards making open government the norm and to drive ambition on key thematic priorities across the partnership.
To be successful in this approach, the OGP Support Unit and the IRM will need to be more deliberate, more strategic and more creative to unlock inspiration on a bigger scale to support reformers, incubate innovation, facilitate learning and guide action to streamline open government practices across all levels of government and enable the key shifts of the new strategy. This will only be successfully done if the content is sourced and shared from, by and with the community.
For the 2023-2028 strategy period, OGP will:
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4.1. Showcase the most innovative and inspiring reforms in and outside of action plans and recognize the reformers (people and institutions)
The OGP Support Unit will design an annual awards program, leverage peer learning platforms, use speaking opportunities at OGP and partner events, and offer opportunities to reformers take part in our leadership training programs and more deliberately curate a pipeline for leadership opportunities in OGP and the wider open government community (e.g., Steering Committee). This will require a second backbone functionality, which is to institutionalize the tracking, management and servicing of OGP’s extensive network of leaders and alumni.
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4.2. Develop high quality and inspirational content to meet the diverse needs of the community
The OGP Support Unit and IRM will work on developing a much stronger repository of high quality, practical and inspirational content with and for the wider community that meets their diverse needs, is easy to access and will find its way back to the community in a diverse range of formats and products. This will include serving a range of needs from communication to curriculums for capacity and leadership development.
This will include learning and advocacy resources, guidance, communications materials and other dynamic content they can use to make progress on key open government topics and in streamlining open government practices in their contexts. This will include working with partners to launch a refreshed version of the “Open Gov Guide,” to serve as a backbone and beacon for the community in the coming years. It will focus on prioritized themes initially, and will be a dynamic resource, with illustrative examples and approaches, supportive arguments, maturity models, references to existing third-party standards or ratings, and value propositions. The aim will also be to make it much easier for reformers and partners to seek and support each more easily.
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Doubling Down On OGP Local in the New StrategyOGP Local came up consistently in the strategy consultations as being an important and promising opportunity for us, that should be central to our work and integrated across OGP strategies. Consequently OGP Local and strategies to advance, support, and showcase open government at the local level have been embedded across all the abovementioned strategic goals. For ease of reference, the approach to OGP Local in the new strategy is summarized below.
Finally, as part of a governance review that will be undertaken in 2023, the OGP Steering Committee will consider how to better reflect Local in OGP’s governance. |
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