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Whitepaper Draft V0_1_1

Starting: 14 Apr Ending

0 days left (ends 14 May)

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Transient Temperature Error (See ISA 37.2, Section 6.8) – Capability to withstand a change in temperature within a specified time frame, defined as a % of unamplified full scale output (voltage, charge, etc.) shift in output from the pressure transducer when exposed to a thermal transient event quantified in degrees per second.

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Zero Change with Temperature – The zero shift due to changes of the ambient temperature from room temperature to specified limits of the operating temperature range.

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Amplitude Response – The amplitude of the transfer function versus frequency

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(often called the frequency response) [23]. The amplitude response characterizes the frequency dependent amplification and/or attenuation of the pressure signal due to mounting and/or packaging resonances, and in some instances the resonant frequency (also referred to as natural frequency) of the sensing element.

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Damped Natural Frequency – See ringing frequency.

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Dynamic Response – See frequency response.

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Flat Bandwidth – See flat frequency response

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Flat Frequency Response – The frequency range defined in Hertz (Hz) over which the transducer’s output exhibits deviations from a sinusoidal dynamic input measurand by less than ±25% or ±2dB of the measurand.

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NOTE: It is usually specified as “within ±25% or ±2dB from to Hz.”

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Frequency Dependent Sensitivity – The ratio of the change in transducer output to a varying sinusoidal measurand. Frequency dependent sensitivity is defined in terms of dB re 1V/Pa.

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Frequency Range – Quantification technique described in Section 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 of ISA RP37.2-1964 for capacitive transducers. The frequency range specifies the frequency range a transducer is expected measure and produce output within the specified tolerances.

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Frequency Response 1 – The change with frequency of the output/measurand amplitude ratio (and of the phase difference between output and measurand), for a sinusoidal varying measurand applied to a transducer within a stated range of measurand frequencies.

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NOTE: It is usually specified as “within ±percent (or ±dB) from __ to __ Hertz.”

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NOTE: Frequency response should be referred to a frequency within the specified measurand frequency range and to a specific measurand value.

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Linear Phase Response – A linear change in phase angle with frequency, indicating a constant time delay at any measurand frequency.

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Lower Cutoff Frequency – The lowest frequency of measurand the transducer responds to.

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Magnitude Shift – See amplitude response.

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