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Whitepaper Draft V0_1_1

Starting: 14 Apr Ending

0 days left (ends 14 May)

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Front-End Operating Temperature Range, Short Term – The short term, <100 hours, operating temperature range capability of the tip of the transducer.

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Front-End Operating Temperature Rating Long Term – The long term, >100 hours, operating temperature range capability of the tip of the transducer.

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Over-Temperature Survivability – The maximum brief temperature excursion that the transducer can survive without changing the transducer performance beyond specified tolerances.

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Pyroelectric Effect – Sensitivity to temperature changes of ferroelectric materials which results in a signal output that cannot be distinguished from piezoelectric signals. [6, p. 47]

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Temperature error 1 – The maximum change in output, at any measurand value within the specified range, when the transducer temperature is changed from room temperature to specified temperature extremes.

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Temperature Gradient Error 1 – The transient deviation in output of a transducer at a given measurand value when the ambient temperature or the measured fluid temperature changes at a specified rate between specified magnitudes.

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NOTE: See also thermal gradient error.

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Temperature range, operating 1 – The range of ambient temperatures, given by their extremes, within which the transducer is intended to operate; (S) within this range of ambient temperature all tolerances specified for temperature error, temperature gradient error, thermal zero shift and thermal sensitivity shift are applicable.

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Thermal Coefficient of Sensitivity – The shift in sensitivity over a specified temperature range quantified in terms of percent sensitivity per unit temperature, ± %/deg. C, referenced to the sensitivity at room temperature, specified as 20 deg. C unless otherwise stated.

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Thermal Gradient (Axial) – The ability for a transducer to withstand a thermal gradient along its axis without damage to the sensor while accurately measuring pressure.

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NOTE: Steady State Thermal Gradient: 500-1000 deg. F/in defined as from inner wall to external wall – dependent upon engine.

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Thermal Gradient Error – The transient deviation in output of a transducer at a given measurand value when the ambient temperature or the measured fluid temperature changes at a specified rate between specified magnitudes.

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NOTE: A rapid media temperature change can induce a thermal gradient across the sensing element resulting in an erroneous output.

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Thermal Noise (Also referred to as Nyquist-Johnson Noise) – Electrical noise results from the agitation of charged carriers due to phonon vibrations and is mathematically defined as [24][25][26]:

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A transducer’s thermal noise can be quantified using a spectrum analyzer and expressed in µV rms over a specified bandwidth. Alternatively, thermal noise can be specified as a power spectral density in units of .

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Thermal sensitivity shift 1 – The sensitivity shift due to changes of the ambient temperature from room temperature to the specified limits of the operating temperature range.

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NOTE: See also thermal coefficient of sensitivity.

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Thermal Shock – See Transient Temperature Error.

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Thermal Zero Shift 1 – The zero shift due to changes of the ambient temperature from room temperature to the specified limits of the operating temperature range. NOTE: See also zero change with temperature.

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