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Whitepaper Draft V0_1_1

Starting: 14 Apr Ending

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NOTE: Resolution is best specified as Average and Maximum Resolution; it is usually expressed in percent of Full Scale Output.

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NOTE: In the sense of the smallest detectable change in measurand use threshold.

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Resolution, average 1 – The reciprocal of the total number of output steps over the Range, multiplied by 100 and expressed in percent voltage-ratio or in Full Scale Output.

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Resolution, maximum 1 – The magnitude of the largest of all Output steps over the Range, expressed as percent voltage-ratio or in Full Scale Output.

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Response to Cycling – See Life, cycling

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Rise Time 1 – The length of time for the output of a transducer to rise from a small specified percentage of its final value to a large specified percentage of its final value as a result of a step-change of measurand.

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NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, these percentages are assumed to be 10 and 90 percent of the final, steady state value. NOTE: Also see ”time constant.”

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Sensitivity 1 – The ratio of the change in transducer output to a change in the value of the measurand over the specified pressure range.

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NOTE: In the sense of the smallest detectable change in measurand use ”threshold.”

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Sensitivity shift 1 – A change in the slope of the calibration curve due to a change in sensitivity.

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Sensitivity Stability – The change in the sensitivity of the sensing element over a specified time frame when the sensing element is used within its specified operating temperature range. Defined in % shift per year. NOTE: See also ”drift”.

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Span – The algebraic difference between the limits of the range

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Stability 1 – The ability of a transducer to retain its performance characteristics for a relatively long period of time.

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NOTE: Unless otherwise stated, stability is the ability of a transducer to reproduce output readings obtained during its original calibration, at room conditions, for a specified period of time; it is then typically expressed as ”within __ percent of full scale output for a period of __ months.”

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Static or Zero Stability – A change in the zero-measurand output over a specified period of time and at room conditions.

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NOTE: This does not apply to charge mode piezoelectric sensors

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Threshold 1 – The smallest change in the measurand that will result in a measurable change in transducer output.

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NOTE: When the threshold is influenced by the measurand values, these values must be specified.

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Time constant 1 – The length of time required for the output of a transducer to rise to 63% of its final value as a result of a step change of measurand.

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Uncertainty Budget – Sum of the individual uncertainty factors. Usually listed and calculated within a table.

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