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Lamb to Slaughter

Starting: 15 Feb Ending

0 days left (ends 22 Apr)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


Here we can discuss the short story Lamb to Slaughter by Roald Dahl. You can answer the questions below and also reply to the answers given by other students or vote them positive or negative.

Come and join in the discussion! Just log in with your class account

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public




  1. How would you describe Mrs Maloney? What do we know about her?

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  1. How would you describe Mr Maloney? What do we know about him?

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  1. What kind of relationship do they have?

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  1. When did she realize that something was wrong?

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  1. How did she feel when on coming home from the grocer she saw her husband lying dead on the floor?

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  1. Why did she invite the policemen for dinner?

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  1. Can you explain the meaning of the title?

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  1. Is this the perfect murder? Are there any details that might give her away?

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  1. What do you think happens afterwards? Will she live happily ever after?

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  1. Watch Hitchcock’s film based on the story. Can you spot any differences in the plot? Are the characters, particularly Mrs Maloney as you had imagined them? If they aren’t, how are they different?

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