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We are excited to share the preliminary program for the OGP Estonia Global Summit with you!
This draft program focuses on the thematic breakout sessions at the Summit, covering the Summit themes of anti-corruption, civic space and participation, climate and environment, digital governance, open justice, and democratic resilience.
The sessions are the result of work by the Summit´s Community Content Leads, who were selected from across the OGP community to develop content that responds to the OGP strategy and addresses issues that are relevant and important to the OGP community. Their proposals were reviewed and further refined by the Summit Advisory Board and Summit Organizing Team to arrive at 26 sessions in the preliminary program, which will make up approximately half of the final programme.
Now we need your input!
We welcome your feedback on the proposed content – including commenting on the sessions, identifying essential topics that are missing, and/or suggesting examples, contributors and speakers to feature – before May 19, 2023. The Summit Organizing Team and Advisory Board will review the feedback provided to refine the program, including identifying additional session topics.
Find out more on the Summit website.
Further info
The challenge seems to be the search for common points of interest to build a society for all. But the question is: How prepared are we? What tools and strategies are needed to achieve good results? The proposed activity can explore good pratices, examples as well as indicate techniques to not become just a speech by itself.
Have you perhaps considered discussing what is(!) successful citizen engagement? It seems to me we always think in absolute / majoritarian terms, but is this really the case? I would be keen to learn what our expectations in terms of the level of citizen engagement are when public sector institutions and civil society actors seek to engage / work with citizens? - what do we base them on? do we have any data that would support our rationale / expectations?
The description is not very clear, but the goal of a cohesive, resilient society and most importantly, HOW do we build paths towards it should be fundamental across themes/sessions at OGP Summit. This involves not only civil society, but also how to empower champions and potential champions in the State and private sector to push for reforms needed, and as key factors in promoting cohesiveness where lack of trust and low confidence in the possibility of change has been the norm. We at the new Governance Action Hub of R4D to be launched in July, would be interested in exploring with colleagues a session focused on this.
Great idea. I reckon a key question here could - what are the ingredients of a successful anti-corruption program and are we ready to break away from the classical, institutionalist approach to anti-corruption (which I would argue has had limited success) and stress / focus on how(!) to instill long-lasting social norms and create sustainable change in our respective societies.
**Please read before commenting**
We welcome your feedback on the preliminary program below. We particularly encourage suggestions of:
- Essential topics that are missing (add as a comment here, to this paragraph)
- Improvements for the sessions (add as a comment to the session)
- Examples, contributors and speakers to feature (add as a comment to the session)
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1. Democratic accountability and political integrity: Influence of money in politics
Democratic accountability and political integrity: Influence of money in politics
This session will discuss how open government approaches can help strengthen political integrity and democratic accountability in the areas of political financing and lobbying regulation.
Share methods and models of regulatory elements and monitoring of political financing (including political parties and election campaigns) and lobbying reforms
Identify where transparency in political financing and lobbying activities works and where it doesn’t
Explore how OGP countries have regulated political finance and lobbying (based on findings of the Broken Links report) and discuss how improvements could be pursued within OGP action plans,
Discuss other important aspects of political financing such as external influence in the political cycle (e.g. foreign influence/ and impacts this has on the regulation of foreign entities), abuse of state resources, financing as a method to diversify and open politics to women, youth, or underrepresented groups, and challenges brought by social media and online campaigns.
Fishbowl / debate
Anti-Corruption, Democratic Resilience, Gender & Inclusion
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2. Connecting global to country action to fight corruption and money laundering across borders: what’s the next progression of beneficial ownership reforms needed?
Connecting global to country action to fight corruption and money laundering across borders: what’s the next progression of beneficial ownership reforms needed?
This session will highlight learnings and challenges of the current beneficial ownership transparency model and discuss the progression of reforms needed to tackle financial secrecy, including by looking into transparency of asset ownership and the role of gatekeepers.
Discuss and share lessons learned about challenges exposed by the current beneficial ownership transparency model
Highlight the need to broaden transparency measures to asset ownership, including real estate and luxury goods
Discuss the role of gatekeepers in preventing shady actors from investing dirty money and detecting illicit financial flows
Discuss different models used by countries to record information on asset ownership and trace assets potentially connected to corrupt individuals
Discuss the alleged conflict among transparency and privacy
Open chair panel
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3. Breaking the silos: whole-of-state strategies to fight corruption
Breaking the silos: whole-of-state strategies to fight corruption
This session will look at anti-corruption strategies to enhance coordination across different levels of government and institutions - including looking into the role of the Parliament, Judiciary, Supreme Audit Institutions and Anti-Corruption bodies, and in collaboration with civil society and other key stakeholders.
Share experiences on design and implementation of anti-corruption strategies
Discuss what makes a strategy effective, context specific, well resourced and sustainable, with buy-in from the different actors involved
Look into how OGP can support anti-corruption strategies, with links to recommendations such as those from OECD
Anti-Corruption, Democratic Resilience, Justice
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4. How open government can help address sources of corruption in climate action
How open government can help address sources of corruption in climate action
This session will outline potential sources of corruption around climate action, with potential remedial steps highlighted through examples of how climate is being mainstreamed in anti-corruption work. This includes the tracking and monitoring of climate finance and budgets, governance of the energy transition and fossil fuel phaseout, understanding impacts of climate change and corruption on women and vulnerable populations, and management of procurement processes.
Share (OGP and beyond) experiences across different regions and levels of government (national and local)
Get others inspired by existing experiences and sharing lessons learned, including opportunities to engage communities impacted by the intersection of corruption and climate change.
Provide an overview of initiatives, identify gaps, and next steps
2-3 lighting talks followed by group work on specific in-country challenges
Anti-Corruption, Climate & Environment, Gender & Inclusion
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5. Connecting participation and civic space: How can participatory government programs help expand civic space, and vice versa?
Connecting participation and civic space: How can participatory government programs help expand civic space, and vice versa?
This session will explore how participatory government and civic space can be mutually reinforcing. It will look at evidence and examples, and discuss different approaches that can be taken to build participatory government and civic space.
Demonstrate and explore the reciprocal links between participatory government and civic space
Share ideas and inspiration for improving participation and civic space
Inspire participants to apply learning and ideas in their own context
Big debate with experts in the field and audience participation
Civic Space & Participation
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6. Overcoming threats to civic space online: Recommendations for enhancing digital civic space and tackling threats to privacy
Overcoming threats to civic space online: Recommendations for enhancing digital civic space and tackling threats to privacy
This session will explore online threats to civic space and how they can be addressed. It will particularly focus on protecting the privacy and safety of journalists, activists, and human rights defenders.
Explore digital civic space issues and threats, with a particular focus on digital surveillance of journalists, activists, and human rights defenders
Increase understanding of recommended reforms and positive practices to enhance digital civic space, with examples from OGP members
Equip reformers and activists with key principles to inform digital reforms that respect civic freedoms
Launch a resource on digital civic space
Civic Space & Participation, Digital, Gender & Inclusion
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7. From one-off engagement to systems and cultures: How do we embed public participation in government?
From one-off engagement to systems and cultures: How do we embed public participation in government?
This session will explore how governments can build the capacity and skills that enable them to engage the public and civil society on a regular and systematic basis. It will discuss examples of where this is happening, hear from the experiences of political leaders and officials, and explore what future reforms should be pursued to ensure people can be involved in the decisions that affect them.
Share examples of where governments have built participatory skills, institutions and cultures
Engage political leaders and hear their experience
Explore what reforms can help to build participatory skills, institutions and cultures
Inspire participants to pursue reforms in their context
Challenge clinic – the challenge of embedding public participation in government is introduced. A few pre-selected speakers discuss their experience of successes and failures. Participants discuss potential solutions.
Civic Space & Participation, Gender & Inclusion
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8. Overcoming polarisation and conflict in democracy: How to build and maintain the space for constructive dialogue on contentious issues
Overcoming polarisation and conflict in democracy: How to build and maintain the space for constructive dialogue on contentious issues
This session will explore the role and practice of dialogue and deliberation in polarised contexts. It will look at how dialogue has helped to address challenging issues.
Raise the importance of dialogue culture as one of the preconditions for a healthy democracy
Raise awareness of the public sector’s responsibility to create safe spaces for dialogue
Showcase good examples of dialogue methods and initiatives on local and national level
Civic Space & Participation, Democratic Resilience
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9. Building and protecting civil society resilience in times of democratic transition
Building and protecting civil society resilience in times of democratic transition
This session will explore steps that can be taken to support civil society and civic space when democracy is progressing or regressing. It will look at what reforms and approaches can be taken to protect and expand civic space in times of change.
Raise the importance of establishing strong civic space protections in windows of opportunity
Explore reforms to protect and expand civic space in times of progression and regression
High level discussion
Civic Space & Participation, Democratic Resilience, Gender and Inclusion
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