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As proposed in the 2012 BEREC NN QoS Guidelines [2], the measurement methods shall encompass both the IAS as a whole, as well as individual applications using it. The methodology supports both IPv4 and IPv6 - this topic is further discussed where necessary.

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The aim of this chapter is to specify the measurement methodology best practices with the combined goal of maximising measurement accuracy and to ensure that the measurement results are comparable between different member states.

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Results of these measurements can be also used for the following purposes:

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• Empowering the end user to validate the commitments made to them from their IAS provider.

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• Monitoring the general IAS quality and confirming that the performance of IAS is developing sufficiently over time when taking into account technological evolution.

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• To support the detection of any prioritisation and/or throttling of selected applications compared to other applications running over IAS.

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• NRAs may also use the data to increase transparency (e.g. interactive maps showing performance in a geographic area).

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According to BEREC NN guidelines [3] paragraph 166, speed should be calculated “based on IP packet payload, e.g. using TCP as transport layer protocol” and according to the NN guidelines paragraph 140, an ISP should define the speed on the basis of the IP packet payload or transport layer protocol payload.

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This methodology is targeted to measure IAS quality in both the upload and download direction. It is worth noting that IAS speed is just one component of the performance experienced by the end users, since different applications have different protocol overheads and different requirements related to IAS delay, delay variation and packet loss.

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For both measurement tasks - IAS as a whole and individual applications using IAS - the fundamental precondition is that measurements are performed at the edge of the network which provides the IAS (i.e. end user premises for fixed access or via the radio access for Mobile IAS).

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Where measurements are performed against a test server, this server should be located outside the IAS network. It should have adequate connectivity between the server and the IAS provider to avoid influencing measurements. In general it is recommended that the measurement server should be located at the national Internet exchange point (IXP) unless there is specific reason for its placement elsewhere.

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Monitoring mechanisms should mitigate, to the extent possible, confounding factors which are internal to the user environment. Examples of these factors include existing cross-traffic and the usage of Wi-Fi based interfaces. This topic is discussed separately in chapter 5.

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The assessment of measurement results is discussed further in chapter 6 and the certified monitoring mechanism is further discussed in chapter 7.

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3.1.1Speed measurement overall methodology


In order to maximise compatibility in a real world environment, it is recommended to measure upload/download speeds based on the time to execute a set of controlled file transfers over HTTP.

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This methodology is supported by the broadest range of platforms, and can be implemented within a web browser or within the restricted sandbox of an on-device app. As such it is considered to be the best compromise between the competing demands of accuracy, platform agnosticism, ease of implementation and transparency.

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Another reason to recommend the use of HTTP is to mitigate any firewall based restrictions which may result from the choice of a less commonly used protocol/port. The use of HTTPS also prevents manipulation from proxies[1].

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In order to saturate the path, it is recommended to use 3-5 HTTP connections. Furthermore, these connections should all have completed the TCP slow start phase to maximise throughput and ensure that the measurement is as representative as possible. The test is stopped after a pre-defined interval and the transfer speed is calculated by the recipient based on the data transferred over that interval.

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