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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Ministry of Education

Al-Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud Islamic University

College of Science - Biology Department

C:\Users\STAT UNIT\Pictures\emam_un.gif

المـمـلـكـة الـعـــربية السعـوديـــة

وزارة التعلـيـم

جـــامـعــة الإمـــام محـمـد بن سعــود الإسـلاميـة

كـلـيـة الــعـلــوم - قسم الاحياء


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(Tubulin polymers)


(Actin Filaments)

Intermediate Filaments


hollow tubes, wall consist of 13 columns of tublin molecules 





two intertwined strands of actin, each a polymer of actin subunits

fibrous proteins supercoiled into thicker cables 


25 nm with 15-nm lumen 

7 nm

8-12 nm

Protein Subunits

tublin, a dimer consisting of a-tubling and b-tublin




one of several different proteins of the keratin family, depending on cell type 

Main Functions


maintenance of cell shape (compression-resisting ' girders' ) 

cell motility ( as in cilia or flagella  )

chromosome movemoent in cell division 

organelle movement 



maintenance of cell shape  ( tension-bearing elemnts ) 

changes in cell shape 

muscle contaction

cytoplasmic streaming 

cell motility ( as in pseudopida )

cell division ( cleavage furrow formation )


maintenance of cell shape  ( tension-bearing elemnts ) 

anchorage of nucleus and certain other oraganelles

formation of nuclear lamina

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