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Thinking Routines and rubrics

Starting: 15 Mar Ending

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Author: Pierre Fong Date: 15 March 2017

Thinking Routines 101

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Author: Pierre Fong Date: 15 March 2017


See Think Wonder - Thinking Routine

When you are navigating through the articles in Scoop.it, you will have to make careful observations and thoughtful interpretations. Use the “See Think Wonder” thinking routine to guide you in your critical commentary.

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For example,
a. When you read through an article, you would have an understanding about it. What did you observe in the article that was interesting to you? Take a minute to think about it and then write down your response by starting with “I see…”.

b. After making that observation, you would have some personal thoughts about it. Take a minute to think about these personal thoughts and write them down by starting with “I think…”.

c. Being creative, you would also have some other thoughts or questions but they are not written in the article. Write down your thoughts or questions by starting with “I wonder…”.


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How do I use it?


Use the following format to write your critical response: “First critical commentary: I see … I think… I wonder…”



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Circle of Viewpoints

In order to consider different and diverse perspectives involved in and around a topic, use the “Circle of viewpoints” thinking routine.


For example,
a. Select one of the following roles: Student, Parent, Teacher, Middle Manager, Principal, etc

b. From the role selected, take a minute to think about your peer’s critical commentary.

You may use the following guide to think:

What does this person/character think about the event or situation?

What is their take?

Why do they think of this?


c. Now, think of a question to ask your peer from the role that you have selected. You may use the following to guide your questioning.

What’s going on?

So what do you see that makes you say that?

So what do you know that makes you say that?


How do I use it?


Then make a response to your peer’s critical commentary using the following format:

“Hi ChangeToPeer’sName: From the viewpoint of a [Role selected], I think … A question that I have is …”.


I Used to Think…, But Now I Think…


From this lesson, what have you learnt about the topic “How can ICT transform the teaching and learning of English Language”? This routine “I used to think…, but now I think…” helps you to reflect on your thinking and explore how and why your thinking has changed.


For example,
a. When we began this study of “How can ICT transform the teaching and learning of English Language”, all of you had some initial ideas about it and what it was all about. In just a few sentences, write what it is that you used to think about. Take a minute to think back and then write down your response to “I used to think…”.

b. Now, think about how your ideas have changed as a result of what we’ve been doing. Write down what you now think about of “How can ICT transform the teaching and learning of English Language”. Start your sentences with, “But now I think…because…”.

How do I use it?


Use the following format to write your critical response: “Second critical commentary: I used to think… but now I think…because…”

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Rubrics for Critical Commentary

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Approaching Expectations

Meeting Expectations

Exceeding Expectations

Level of Comprehension

Inaccurate comprehension of the article may be detected in places.

Unable to provide multiple perspectives to their peers’ commentaries.

Clear comprehension of the article is demonstrated throughout the commentary.

Is able to provide multiple perspectives to their peers’ commentaries.

A keen awareness of the writer’s purpose, culture and context is demonstrated.

Is able to provide multiple perspectives to their peers’ commentaries and add value to their peers’ commentaries.

Quality of Personal Response

The commentary provides little indication of a personal response.

This commentary has not considered peers’ perspectives.

The commentary clearly conveys personal feelings and attitudes towards the article and its content.

This commentary has considered peers’ similar perspectives.

The commentary conveys a unique and original perspective on the article and its content.

This commentary has considered peers’ alternative perspectives.

Coherence of Analysis

The argument may be hard to follow at times.

Makes infrequent and sometimes poorly chosen reference to ideas and words/phrases in the article to substantiate comments.

Flow of argument is logical.

Makes sustained reference to ideas and words/phrases in the article to substantiate comments.

Flow of argument is persuasive.

Makes well-chosen and sustained reference to ideas and words/phrases in the article to substantiate comments.

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