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CCMI anniversary conference suggestions

Starting: 28 Feb Ending

0 days left (ends 23 Apr)

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Status: Closed
Privacy: Public




One of the most significant points raised during the last CCMI meeting was the need to create an environment at the Anniversary Conference that reflects involvement of participants (in particular young people) and at the same time moves away from traditional formats that at times can be boring. Following the discussion we had during the last CCMI meeting, I wish to propose the following suggestions

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1. Sending an invitation to youth bands to introduce the Conference through a musical composition and lyrics on a theme that will be chosen by CCMI

This can be done through an invitation from CCMI members from different members States in the form of a competition (on the lines of Open Day events in the EESC)

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2. The setting of the room should be different to ensure all stakeholders present are on equal level and not in any hierarchal positions (again in the style of Open Days)

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3. Preparing two or three voxpop videos with different sets of two or three questions in different member states to get ideas from local people about what they think and which can serve as starting points for discussion.

The voxpop videos will be viewed by the Conference participants followed by interventions form the floor in the form of comments at different times as the questions will be different for each voxpop and can serve as a build-up or a way of keeping the momentum going

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4. We would need a trained professional who has experience in working with different types settings and audiences

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5.a. Invitations to people in Industry who have introduced new ideas for the involvement of employees or CSR initiatives etc

b.. invitations to citizens who have positive experiences

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The above would mean that we have to go back in time and view life from young people's perspective, especially in the way they communicate.

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We also need to propose suggestions for social media such as Facebook etc especially to give publicity to the event about 3 weeks before the actual day

May be we can also have videos (Skype) with a few citizens etc

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