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DiD goals

Starting: 05 Dec Ending

0 days left (ends 13 Dec)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


On today's on-line meeting we have agreed to vote again on DiD goals. The points will be voted separately. Please vote for (:+1:), against (:-1:) or blank (:no_mouth:) on each one of them. All the points which reach consensus among the people who take part on the vote will become "official" goals of DiD, open to future discussion if needed. Votes which do not reach consensus will be discussed further.
- PJ

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public



1. Engaging with the DiEM25 members


To reach out to all the members of the DiEM25 CC. (Edit: earlier it was "diem network")

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To engage with these members in a continuing process of deliberations about subjects related to the aims of DiD to internal democracy in DiEM25.

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To ensure that all the interactions within the DiD are structured in a way that respects the norms of democratic organisation that we establish in for ourselves, norms which themselves are subject to an on-going process of revisiting and revisions.

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2. Defining democratic governance


Defining democratic governance.

To discuss and establish a working definition of democracy and democratic governance.

To discuss and establish norms and criteria for democratic governance.

To make sure that the definition, norms and criteria are subject to an on-going process of revisiting and revisions.

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3.- Reviewing the organisational principles


To engage as many DiEM25 members as possible in a continuing process of revisiting and reviewing the organisational principles of DiEM25.

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This, in order to make sure that the organisational principles respect the ideas of democratic governance as articulated by the grassroots level of Diem25.

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4.- Setting up a dialogue with the CC


To communicate our ideas on a regular basis with the CC .

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To put effort in engaging CC members with the discussions and works we are involved in.

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5.- To experiment with the tools of democracy


To constantly search for accessible and affordable (online) tools for democratic governance.

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To test these tools and share the test experiences.

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