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Consultation on LIBER Strategy 2018-22

Starting: 07 Jul Ending

0 days left (ends 14 Aug)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


The LIBER Board is currently in the process of developing a vision and strategy for LIBER 2018-22 and would like input from LIBER participants. Below is a draft of the proposed vision and strategic directions as presented at the Strategy Café at the LIBER 2016 Conference in Helsinki. In you comments on the vision we would particularly like you to address the following questions: 1. Does this vision resonate with your vision of the research landscape in 2022? 2. Do you see a role for your library in achieving this vision? 3. What is the added value of LIBER in realising this vision? In your comments on the 3 strategic directions please address these questions: 1. Do you agree this strategic direction? 2. Are the actions identified relevant for your library? 3. Which actions should have priority (top-2)?

Further info

Status: Closed
Privacy: Public


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  • Copyright and legal matters: influencing copyright and legal matters at the policy level and providing advice and guidance for researchers.

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  • Text and data mining: developing library capacity and services to support the uptake of text and datamining.

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  • Positioning the libraries as a hub for digital humanities and digital cultural heritage: strengthening and developing library services in this area.

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  • Information ethics: in the digital environment, the norms and standards regarding ethical behaviour are changing and adapting to technological possibilities. Libraries need to engage in and advocate for developing information ethics in the interest of the research community.

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Libraries partnering in research infrastructure

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This strategic direction has a more technical nature: how can research libraries create and develop interoperable and scalable infrastructures and services that support sustainable knowledge and that are seamlessly linked with services at the institutional level. Below a list of possible themes:

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  • Shared services & cloud services: libraries are moving to shared services that need a solid foundation regarding funding, governance, trust and an evolving technical and social infrastructure. An important example is the Open Science Cloud (OSC). Another example is shared services with regard to long-term preservation.

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  • Semantic interoperability; open (linked) data and big data: research libraries are experts in metadata and ontologies and need to take a leadership role and to engage with other stakeholders to ensure interoperability and accessibility of content.

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  • Data stewardship: the development of criteria and guidelines regarding data stewardship and data curation, which are increasingly important for research libraries.

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  • Disciplinary partnership: the different requirements of diverse scientific disciplines need to be translated into scalable infrastructure. This infrastructure should ultimately enable cross-disciplinary collaboration.

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