


Webinar: How to organize a decision-making process

What to choose for lunch? How to make the government more digital? What goals to include in next year's company strategy?

Some decisions are more complex and profound than others. Yet, they all can be broken down into the essential steps for any decision-making process.

In this weeks seminar our CEO Hannes Leo run a webinar on how to organize a decision-making process.



Within 25 minutes you'll learn

  • how to design a decision-making process by reverse engineering it

  • how to include offline and online elements in your process

Webinar: First steps on Discuto - How to make better decisions through online collaboration

Last week our founder Hannes Leo run a webinar introducing the features of the relaunched Discuto platform. 

Within 25 minutes he covers how Discuto can help you to streamline and open up your decision-making process. 

You'll learn how you can use

  • Discuto Pages to organize your decision-making process
  • the Ideation tool to collect ideas from various stakeholders
  • the Discussion tool to discuss and optimize docuents
  • Discuto's patented consensus algorithm to help you identify controversial topics
  • and much more!

Watch the video and let us know: What webinar topics would you like up next? What questions shall our founder answer, what features would you love to have? 



You asked for a better collaborative decision-making platform - and we listened! During the last months, we've worked hard to launch a new, better Discuto for you. And here it comes: +30 features to help you save time and effort running your discussion, have more people engaged, customize your projects, and enjoy an overall more intuitive experience. 

If you're one of our 20.000 existing users, you've been automatically upgraded to a 30-day free premium trial. In case you're new to Discuto sign up for your free trial today - and enjoy unlimited access, create new discussions and explore the benefits for yourself! We’ll also run webinars and live demos to help you discover the new features and interface. 


Organising a bottom-up strategy process in a smart city: The Digital Agenda Vienna

The City of Vienna is one of the most liveable cities on this planet, aims to stay in this league and wants to become even smarter over time. This demands – amongst many other things – sound structures that support the increasing digitisation of the economy and society, involve citizens in decision making, improve the business location, and foster efficient and pleasant dealings between the City administration, citizens, enterprises and other stakeholders.

Gemeinsame Entwicklung des Verwaltungsarbeitsplatzes der Zukunft

Der elektronische Verwaltungsarbeitsplatz der Gegenwart ist geprägt von vielen, über die Jahre/Jahrzehnte gewachsene, IT Systemen. Ebenso die Arbeitsweisen auf die diese Systeme aufsetzen sind seit Jahren bekannt und bewährt. Doch in den Jahren hat sich der Umgang mit elektronischen Medien stark gewandelt und mit ihm auch die Rahmenbedingungen der Arbeitserbringung an sich. Junge ArbeitnehmerInnen, welche mit dem „Smartphone“ aufgewachsen sind kommunizieren und dokumentieren anders als die heutigen VerwaltungsmitarbeiterInnen zwischen 30 und 65.


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