Discuto is Loading your document from Drive

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Discuto überträgt Ihr Dokument

Dies kann etwas dauern und ist abhängig von der Größe des Dokuments...

Discuto is creating your discussion

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Discuto speichert Ihren Kommentar

Haben Sie gewusst, dass man über Kommentare abstimmen kann? Sie können auch direkt auf Kommentare antworten!

Ihre Einladungen werden jetzt versandt

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It's even easier to collaborate with groups and work on live documents with Discuto Pro.
Check out some of the advanced features that will help you get everyone on the same page.

Track changes

Make/view changes to a document — within the document! Great for developing ideas and evolving discussions.

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Text annotations

Highlight areas/add notes to the document. Ideal for keeping comments in context.

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Real-time content creation

Participants can add content to your document, paragraph by paragraph. Work together anywhere, anytime!

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Discussion showcase

Create a “ discussion menu” of supplementary information. Serve up links, text, or documents for people to read before joining in.

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Bulk invites

Upload a csv file of contacts and instantly invite them to your discussion. No more sending individual invitations!

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