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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015

--- AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 ---

Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect

/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 >> There
The draft report is there :  FR , EN , DE
Next steps : 
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary


Weitere Informationen

Status: Geschlossen
Sichtbarkeit: Öffentlich


<< Vorherige Absätze


Amendment 301 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, José Blanco López, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Señala que en el entorno digital las excepciones y limitaciones deben concederse en las mismas condiciones que en el mundo analógico; 9. Señala que en el entorno digital las excepciones y limitaciones deben concederse en las mismas condiciones que en el mundo analógico, garantizando que los titulares de derechos de autor y derechos afines reciben una remuneración justa por sus obras;Or. (Origine ES)

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Amendment 302 Axel Voss [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. stellt fest, dass Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt gewährt werden sollten; 9. stellt fest, dass die Rechte und der Schutz der Urheber im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt gewährt werden sollten;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>

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Amendment 303 Victor Negrescu [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Notes that exceptions and limitations in the digital environment should be enjoyed without any unequal treatment as compared with those granted in the analogue world; 9. Notes that the ability to benefit from exceptions and limitations should be enjoyed in the digital environment without any unequal treatment compared to those granted in the analogue world;Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 304 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. stellt fest, dass Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt gewährt werden sollten; 9. stellt fest, dass Ausnahmen und Beschränkungen sowie die angemessene Bezahlung der Urheber im digitalen Umfeld in gleichem Maße wie in der analogen Welt gewährt werden solltenOr. <Original>{DE}de</Original>

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Amendment 305 Julia Reda, Victor Negrescu, Josef Weidenholzer [Change] § 9 Motion for a resolution [By] 9. Notes that exceptions and limitations in the digital environment should be enjoyed without any unequal treatment as compared with those granted in the analogue world; 9. Notes that the ability to benefit from exceptions and limitations should be enjoyed in the digital environment without any unequal treatment compared to those granted in the analogue world;Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 306 Laura Ferrara [Change] § 9 – subparagraph 1 (new) : evidenzia l'opportunità di introdurre nuove eccezioni e limitazioni che tengano conto degli sviluppi tecnologici e delle nuove forme sia di espressionesia di utilizzazione delle opere in ambiente digitale;Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 307 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. Observa con preocupación el creciente impacto de las diferencias entre los Estados miembros por lo que respecta a la aplicación de excepciones, lo que crea inseguridad jurídica y tiene efectos negativos directos en el funcionamiento del mercado único digital con vistas al desarrollo de actividades transfronterizas; suprimidoOr. (Origine ES)

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Amendment 308 Virginie Rozière (FR)
[Want to delete] § 10
10. observe avec inquiétude l'effet croissant des disparités entre les États membres dans la mise en œuvre des exceptions, qui crée une insécurité juridique et entraîne des incidences négatives directes sur le fonctionnement du marché unique numérique, vu le développement des activités transfrontalières;

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Amendment 309 Marie-Christine Boutonnet [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. observe avec inquiétude l'effet croissant des disparités entre les États membres dans la mise en œuvre des exceptions, qui crée une insécurité juridique et entraîne des incidences négatives directes sur le fonctionnement du marché unique numérique, vu le développement des activités transfrontalières; suppriméOr. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 310 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities; 10. Notes the right of each Member State to tailor exceptions in accordance with their market and traditions and in linewith the principles of subsidiarity and proportionality; However, Member States may consider that some exceptions may benefit from common approaches and any exceptions pursued shouldaim tostimulate economic growth, the development of the Digital Single Market and competitiveness;Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 311 Marie-Christine Boutonnet [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. observe avec inquiétude l'effet croissant des disparités entre les États membres dans la mise en œuvre des exceptions, qui crée une insécurité juridique et entraîne des incidences négatives directes sur le fonctionnement du marché unique numérique, vu le développement des activités transfrontalières; 10. Chaque Etat-membre peut continuer à légiférer, en fonction du respect, de la conservation et de la promotion de son identité culturelle, en contribuant à la richesse culturelle en Europe.Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 312 Constance Le Grip (FR)
[Want to Change] § 10
observe avec inquiétude l'effet croissant des disparités entre les États membres dans la mise en œuvre des exceptions, qui crée une insécurité juridique et entraîne des incidences négatives directes sur le fonctionnement du marché unique numérique, vu le développement des activités transfrontalières;
[By] 10. observe que la liste des vingt exceptions optionnelles qui figure dans la directive 2001/29 a permis une souplesse nécessaire à la mise en oeuvre, afin de tenir compte de la diversité des traditions juridiques des États membres et de leurs politiques culturelles, tout en assurant le bon fonctionnement du marché intérieur et en respectant les principes de proportionnalité et de subsidiarité.

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Amendment 313 József Szájer [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities; 10. Notes the importance of European cultural diversity, which provides opportunities rather than obstacles to the Single Market, and notes that the possible differences in the implementation of exceptionsmay be handled on a case-by-case basis and market driven solutions , to avoid legal uncertainty and to protect the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities;Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 314 Angelika Niebler [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. nimmt mit Besorgnis den zunehmenden Einfluss der Unterschiede zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung von Ausnahmen zur Kenntnis, was Rechtsunsicherheit schafft und unmittelbare nachteilige Auswirkungen auf das Funktionieren des digitalen Binnenmarkts im Hinblick auf die Förderung grenzüberschreitender Tätigkeiten hat; 10. betont die Bedeutung des Spielraums der Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung von Ausnahmen, welcher die kulturellen und auch ökonomischenBesonderheiten in den Mitgliedstaaten widerspiegeln;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>

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Amendment 315 Jean-Marie Cavada, Virginie Rozière (FR)
[Want to Change] § 10
observe avec inquiétude l'effet croissant des disparités entre les États membres dans la mise en œuvre des exceptions, qui crée une insécurité juridique et entraîne des incidences négatives directes sur le fonctionnement du marché unique numérique, vu le développement des activités transfrontalières;
[By] 10. note que la marge de manœuvre laissée aux Etats membres en vertu du principe de subsidiarité a permis d'adapter les exceptions à la réalité sociale et économique des Etats membres sans créer d'obstacles au fonctionnement du marché intérieur;

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Amendment 316 Mary Honeyball, Theresa Griffin [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities; 10. Notes the importance of European cultural diversity, which provides opportunities rather than obstacles to the Single Market, and notes that the differences in the implementation of exceptions may have negative effects on the functioning of the internal market, and may also lead to legal uncertainty, but that these should be handled on a case-by-case basis, while stressing that works of cultural value should be available to all to be enjoyed but should also be subject to copyright protection;Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 317 Therese Comodini Cachia, Marc Joulaud, Mary Honeyball, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Sabine Verheyen [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. Views with concern the increasing impact of differences among Member States in the implementation of exceptions, which creates legal uncertainty and has direct negative effects on the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities; 10. Notes the importance of European cultural diversity, which provides opportunities rather than obstacles to the Single Market, and notes that the possible differences in the implementation of exceptionsmay be handled on a case-by-case basis and market driven solutions , to avoid legal uncertainty and to protect the functioning of the digital single market, in view of the development of cross-border activities;Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 318 Axel Voss [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. nimmt mit Besorgnis den zunehmenden Einfluss der Unterschiede zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung von Ausnahmen zur Kenntnis, was Rechtsunsicherheit schafft und unmittelbare nachteilige Auswirkungen auf das Funktionieren des digitalen Binnenmarkts im Hinblick auf die Förderung grenzüberschreitender Tätigkeiten hat; 10. nimmt den Mehrwert kultureller Vielfalt für den europäischen Binnenmarkt wahr und betont, dass mögliche Unterschiede zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bei der Umsetzung von Ausnahmenvon Fall zu Fall behandelt werden sollen, um Rechtsunsicherheit zu vermeiden und das Funktionieren des digitalen Binnenmarkts im Hinblick auf die Förderung grenzüberschreitender Tätigkeiten sicherzustellen;Or. <Original>{DE}de</Original>

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Amendment 319 Laura Ferrara [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. osserva con preoccupazione , in vista dello sviluppo di attività transfrontaliere, il crescente impatto della diversa implementazione delle eccezioni nei vari Stati membri, che crea incertezza giuridica e ha effetti negativi diretti sul funzionamento del mercato unico digitale; 10. osserva con preoccupazione , in vista dello sviluppo di attività transfrontaliere, il crescente impatto dellanon omogeneaimplementazione delle eccezioni nei vari Stati membri, che crea incertezza giuridica e ha effetti negativi diretti sul funzionamento del mercato unico digitale, sull'incentivo alla creazione ed alla promozione di modelli industriali e commerciali innovativi e sulla concorrenza;Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 320 Sergio Gaetano Cofferati, Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg [Change] § 10 Motion for a resolution [By] 10. osserva con preoccupazione , in vista dello sviluppo di attività transfrontaliere, il crescente impatto della diversa implementazione delle eccezioni nei vari Stati membri, che crea incertezza giuridica e ha effetti negativi diretti sul funzionamento del mercato unico digitale; 10. osserva con preoccupazione , in vista dello sviluppo di attività transfrontaliere, il crescente impatto della diversa implementazione delle eccezioni nei vari Stati membri, che crea incertezza giuridica per autori e utenti, ed ha effetti negativi diretti sul funzionamento del mercato unico digitale;Or. (Origine IT)

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