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Committee on Legal Affairs 05/03/2015

--- AMENDMENTS 1 - 280 ---

Draft report Julia Reda (PE546.580v02-00) on the implementation of Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspect

/!\ >> AMENDMENTS 281 - 556 >> There
The draft report is there :  FR , EN , DE 
Next steps : 
March 23/24, 2015 Discussion of these amendments in the Legal Affairs Committee
April 16, 2015 Vote in the Legal Affairs Committee
May 20, 2015 Vote in plenary

Weitere Informationen

Status: Geschlossen
Sichtbarkeit: Öffentlich


<< Vorherige Absätze


Amendment 41 Constance Le Grip, Marc Joulaud, Sabine Verheyen [Add] §18 a (new) : vu le Protocole d'accord du 20 septembre 2011 sur les principes clés de la numérisation et la mise à disposition des œuvres indisponibles, pour faciliter la numérisation et la mise à disposition de livres et de revues savantes pour les bibliothèques européennes et les autres institutions similaires, Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 42 Jean-Marie Cavada [Add] §19 a (new) : vu le rapport sur la distribution en ligne d'œuvres audiovisuelles dans l'Union européenne (A7-0262/2012), Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 43 Jean-Marie Cavada [Add] §20 a (new) : vu l'étude conjointe de l'OEB et de l'OHMI de septembre 2013 intitulée "Secteurs à forte densité de droits de propriété intellectuelle : contributions aux résultats économiques et à l'emploi dans l'Union européenne", Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 44 Marietje Schaake [Add] §20 a (new) : Having regard to articles 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 45 Marietje Schaake [Add] §20 b (new) : Having regard to the E-Commerce Directive, Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 46 Kostas Chrysogonos [By]

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Amendment 47 József Szájer [Change] Recital A : A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, and to access to knowledge and information; A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, cultural diversity, economical growth and to access to knowledge and information; Or. <Original>{EN}en</Original>

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Amendment 48 [Change] Recital A : A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, and to access to knowledge and information; A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, and to access to knowledge and information, while at the same time also providing authors of literary and artistic works with sufficient recognition and protection of their intellectual property rights; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 49 Laura Ferrara [Change] Recital A : A. considerando che il quadro giuridico europeo per i diritti d'autore e connessi riveste ha un ruolo decisivo per la promozione della creatività e dell'innovazione e per l'accesso alla conoscenza e all'informazione; A. considerando che il quadro giuridico europeo per i diritti d'autore e connessi ha come finalità primaria l'incentivo alla creatività e all'innovazione e l'accesso alla conoscenza, alla cultura e all'informazione, attraverso la disseminazione delle opere dell'ingegno; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 50 Enrico Gasbarra [Change] Recital A : A. considerando che il quadro giuridico europeo per i diritti d'autore e connessi riveste ha un ruolo decisivo per la promozione della creatività e dell'innovazione e per l'accesso alla conoscenza e all'informazione; A. considerando chela riforma delquadro giuridico europeo per i diritti d'autore e connessi ha un ruolo decisivo per la promozione della creatività, dell'innovazione, delle industrie culturali e creativee per l'accesso alla conoscenza e all'informazione; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 51 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, José Blanco López, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial [Change] Recital A : A. Considerando que el marco jurídico europeo de los derechos de autor y derechos afines es primordial para la promoción de la creatividad y la innovación, así como para el acceso a conocimientos e información; A. Considerando que el marco jurídico europeo de los derechos de autor y derechos afines es primordial para la promoción de la creatividad y la innovación, el acceso a conocimientos e información y que la adaptación de la Directiva 2001/29/CE a la era digital puede generar el nacimiento de nuevas empresas y start-ups las cuales serían una fuente de empleos del futuro para los jóvenes; Or. (Origine ES)

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Amendment 52 Axel Voss, Christian Ehler [Change] Recital A : A. in der Erwägung, dass der europäische Rechtsrahmen zum Schutz des Urheberrechts und der verwandten Schutzrechte für die Förderung von Kreativität und Innovation und für den Zugang zu Wissen und Informationen von zentraler Bedeutung ist; A. in der Erwägung, dass der europäische Rechtsrahmen zum Schutz des Urheberrechts und der verwandten Schutzrechte für die Förderung von Kreativität und Innovation, kultureller Vielfalt, wirtschaftlichen Wachstumsund für den Zugang zu Wissen und Informationen von zentraler Bedeutung ist; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 53 Constance Le Grip, Christian Ehler, Jean-Marie Cavada [Change] Recital A : A. considérant que le cadre juridique européen relatif au droit d'auteur et aux droits voisins est essentiel à la promotion de la créativité et de l'innovation, ainsi que pour accéder à la connaissance et à l'information; A. considérant que le cadre juridique européen relatif au droit d'auteur et aux droits voisins est essentiel à la promotion de la créativité et de l'innovation, à la préservation de la diversité culturelle ainsi que pour accéder à la connaissance et à l'information; Or. (Origine FR)

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Amendment 54 Angel Dzhambazki, Sajjad Karim [Change] Recital A : A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, and to access to knowledge and information; A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity, innovation, economic growth, competitiveness, the Digital Single Marketand to access to knowledge and information; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 55 Therese Comodini Cachia, Marc Joulaud, Eva Paunova, Bogdan Brunon Wenta, Tadeusz Zwiefka, Mary Honeyball, Constance Le Grip, József Szájer, Giovanni Toti, Rosa Estaràs Ferragut, Luis de Grandes Pascual, Sabine Verheyen [Change] Recital A : A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, and to access to knowledge and information; A. whereas the European legal framework for copyright and related rights is central to the promotion of creativity and innovation, cultural diversity, economical growth and to access to knowledge and information; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 56 Helga Trüpel, Heidi Hautala [Change] Recital A a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment A a. in der Erwägung, dass ein harmonisierter Rechtsrahmen zum Schutz des Urheberrechts und der verwandten Schutzrechte durch erhöhte Rechtssicherheit und durch die Wahrung eines hohen Schutzniveaus substantielle Investitionen in Kreativität und Innovation fördern kann und zu Wachstum und erhöhter Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der europäischen Industrie beitragen kann, und zwar sowohl bei den Inhalten und der digitalen Wirtschaft als auch allgemeiner in weiten Teilen der Industrie und des Kultursektors. Auf diese Weise können Arbeitsplätze erhalten und neue Arbeitsplätzegeschaffen werden; Or. (Origine DE)

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Amendment 57 Marietje Schaake [Change] Recital A a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment A a. Whereas copyright law in the EU should reflect the core principles and values of European law, including freedom of expression and information as well as freedom of competition; Or. (Origine EN)

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Amendment 58 Juan Fernando López Aguilar, Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Eider Gardiazabal Rubial, José Blanco López [Change] Recital A a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment A bis. Considerando que el artículo 167 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea establece que la Unión Europeafomentará el florecimiento y diversidad de las culturas de los Estados Miembrosespecialmente a través de la creación artística y literaria; Or. (Origine ES)

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Amendment 59 Laura Ferrara [Change] Recital A a (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment A bis. considerando che il perseguimento di dette finalitàviene raggiunto nel contemperamento degli interessi rispettivamente di autori, interpreti ed esecutori, imprenditori culturali e pubblico che fruisce delle opere dell'ingegno; Or. (Origine IT)

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Amendment 60 Laura Ferrara [Change] Recital A b (new) Motion for a resolution Amendment A ter. considerando che il diritto d'autore ha tradizionalmente cercato di bilanciare i contrapposti interessi degli stakeholders assicurando un'adeguata remunerazione per l'attività creativa e per gli investimenti economici effettuati, da una parte, ed introducendo una serie di eccezioni e limitazioni ai diritti esclusivi, per promuovere la disseminazione delle opere dell'ingegno, dall'altra parte; Or. (Origine IT)

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