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Policy Action proposals to facilitate the use of Crowdfunding for Culture

Start: 09 Mär Ende

0 Tage noch (endet 31 Mär)

Go to discussion, participate and give your opinion


Crowdfunding has been growing substantially and billions of euros have been raised through the crowd. Yet, the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) are not very familiar with this new funding tool. In order to better understand and evaluate the potential of crowdfunding for creatives and cultural organisations, the European Commission launched Crowdfunding4Culture

What actions should public authorities take in order to raise awareness, create trust, train and link creative communities in using crowdfunding?

Following an expert workshop 23 potential actions have been identified by the crowdfunding4culture team in 5 different areas:

These actions, targeting crowdfunding platforms and cultural organisations as well as local, regional and EU policy makers, aim to improve the understanding and uptake of crowdfunding for cultural projects. 

Join the Discussion & Shape European policy on Crowdfunding for Culture

We invite cultural organisations, crowdfunding platforms and backers to have a say in the future of crowdfunding for cultural and creative sectors in Europe:

  • Vote for or against each proposed action
  • Improve the actions by adding suggestions in the comments
  • Propose new actions in the comments
  • Sharing means caring. Invite peers to join the public discussion

Sign up now (discussion closes at 31.03.2017) and help shape the future use of Crowdfunding!



Status: Geschlossen
Sichtbarkeit: Öffentlich


<< Vorherige Absätze


The EC should encourage partnerships between local, national and regional (public or private) funds and crowdfunding platforms to support CCS

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CCS campaigns with potentially high positive impact on European society (culturally, economically, etc.) should be supported by European funds in the form of matchfunding.

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The EC should provide guidelines for local authorities and regions on how to set up partnerships with crowdfunding platforms in order to matchfund cultural projects of interest.

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Linking (international) financing communities


The EC should identify and tackle the bottlenecks that prevent crowdfunding platforms from developing a pan-European business (including cross border crowdfunding).

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The EC should encourage investment in crowdfunding by facilitating information sharing between different types of financial actors (crowdfunding platforms, banks, VC etc).

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The EC should foster the visibility of successful crowdfunding projects to increase their ability to attract complimentary funding.

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The EC should incentivize financial institutions to more easily grant a loan to CCS actors that have run a successful crowdfunding campaign.

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